![]() 11/14/2017 at 14:38 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Can Trump’s base’s boycott really affect Keurig’s sales in a meaningful way?
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“No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!” – Otter
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I hope so. I would love to see the prices come down. 53 cents a cup is ridiculous.
But I’m spoiled, and refuse to make whole pot of coffee and drink it all day.
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I assumed that the same people who would vote for Trump would be the same people who would buy a Keurig, so yes.
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Maybe sales in the South?
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Keurig makes money on coffee machine sales and K-cup sales. Let’s assume that everyone else is like me and don’t buy the Keurig brand K-cups. That means the only way to hurt Keurig is to not purchase their coffee machine product, which, if they are breaking them, means they already purchased the product and gave Keurig their business. This makes no fucking sense.
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But landfill...
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I think they’ll all go back to drinking it. Too convenient.
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Pretty much. It’s just visceral stupidity. Kind of like the current POTUS administration.
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No fiscally conservative human being can support Keurig. Or most razor manufacturers or toner cartridge companies.
Keurig is okay for offices where it’s a fresh, sanitary option. But not for personal use.
I require coffee to be both picked, roasted, and cold brewed by rescued snow leopards being paid a living wage of rabbit flesh. Flavor is secondary to mission.
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Are these people really that lazy? It takes five minutes to make French pressed coffee. Take a shower while the water boils.
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Pretty much the same as Target, they are going down I tell you!
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I could care less. All keurig coffee is disgusting.
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Takes three minutes, and makes anywhere from one to whatever cups deoending on the size. Doesn’t taste like shit.
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French press tastes infinitely better. And if they are super impatient they can get one of those tea kettle boilers that are like fucking magic and boil water almost immediately.
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Fiscal conservatives are usually short-sighted. Hence the use of shit coffee and shit razors.
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Yes, they are that lazy, and that’s why I think there boycott won’t last very long.
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I don’t drink coffee. I think the entire thing is foolish.
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People are really stupid. Why destroy something you already paid for?
Keurig makes most of their sales off of pods, and most of those pods are sold outside the US. I don’t think this boycott (which will fizzle out in days) will do much.
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Maybe they don’t care or like good coffee.
My parents (who didn’t vote for trump, btw) put 2 tablespoons of cheap freeze dried coffee into an entire auto-drip pot. Maybe they up it to 4 tablespoons when I come to visit because they know I like “strong coffee”.
I can’t stand drinking their coffee, and I usually make auto-drip coffee out of cheap preground coffee at work and drink it black.
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Now all we need to do is get everyone else to boycott those garbage machines and we’ll be good!
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So this Keurig thing, obviously it’s convenient, but can you get good coffee? I have a little espresso maker, and I’m wondering whether I should buy the parts I need to fix it or get one of these fancy things.
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As long as they buy the replacement from Amazon while bleating on about the librul elite and buttermails and ghazi, it’s all good.
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French-pressed? French -pressed? Think about the kind of bugeyed wingnuts you’re dealing with here. They’re fundamentally opposed to anything with the word “French” in it - anything at all, from French bulldogs to French kisses. They’d all rather drink transmission oil than coffee out of a foofy French press.
For that matter, I’d rather they drink transmission oil too.
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Coffee is life!!
Not that Keurig shit though - it’s terrible. I drink it at the office because free, but my main source is the giant pot of fresh-brewed Starbucks I make every morning at home.
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Keurig: still better than politics!
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That’s pretty much what I was thinking.
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I do not drink coffee; I am not the one to ask.
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Yeah. Pretty much. Shallow and stupid.
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I don’t drink coffee. I knew a guy who would stick his cup under the filter in the office coffee machine and draw the first 16 ounces and let the rest go into the pot for everyone else.
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A low bar, indeed.
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That’s rude as hell - the first cup is stronger than the last cup, so he was leaving weak-ass watered down stuff for the rest of the office. :/
And yeah, I held off through college, but once I went to work at a Honda dealer, I had to be there at 7 every day, and was in parts, 10 feet away from a free coffee maker. That’s what got me addicted (along with a lot of late nights going out during the week in those days...)
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Okay. Maybe someone else can answer.
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The Opponauts love French things.
One of us is French!
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I think the world would be a better place if people woke up a few minutes early, made some good coffee, then sipped their delicious brew while soaking in a bath and reading a book. Start the day off right.
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No explanation necessary. The number of empty plastic K-cups in the landfills of the earth is in the billions.
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And yes, astonishingly rude. He was an actuary. A
. It’s good to be king.
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Or drink water and take caffeine pills. That’s what I do...
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I actually decaf all the things. My tea, my soda, my coffee. Makes me way too jittery.
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I use it to help with depression.
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Nah - Can’t boycott something that you never used. Can totally buy more of from a company that uses shameless marketing tactics, and makes quite tasty coffee as well.
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The whole concept behind the Keurig is that they found a way to grossly overcharge for their lousy product because convenience, and the real consequence to it is all the garbage it produces.
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Shouldn’t these Keurig smashers have been drinking BRCC coffee all along and they’re merely showing themselves as second-rate Trumpies?
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I didn’t know about the lousiness of the coffee, though a few Oppos have made that abundantly clear. That it’s overpriced comes as no surprise to me. And the garbage...
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You’d think, but on the other hand some people are slow to adopt to change. Perhaps this is the wake-up call that they needed? Surely anybody switching from whatever crappy Keurig coffee they were drinking to fresh-brewed BRCC will notice their quality of coffee (and life in general) bigly improved.
That’s yet another win for Trump.
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Yeah, I’m pretty picky about coffee because I drink it black - no cream or sugar to hide bad taste.
Big consumer products companies are doing all kinds of crap like this - pods for your laundry, single serving size portions, etc. etc. All to drive profits (and generate waste). It’s the ‘Murican dream.
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It would make a major, major difference.
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They make reusable adapters tonpit whatever coffee you want into them. That’s what I do at work when I want more coffee.
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While I don’t disagree with you, that’s not how my day can work.
My 5 year old son gets up early, so I use the evening to work on projects. Last night I was up until 1am finishing a tile backsplash, so getting up early just to have some quiet time in the morning (which probably won’t be quiet thanks to an early rising son) is very low on my priority list.
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I hear you. I’ weird. I wake up at 3:30 am just so I can find some zen in the morning. If I don’t I’ll probably end up killing someone.
My kids are heavy sleepers, so my wife usually has to drag them out of bed in the morning. Sucks during the week but is great on the weekends.
![]() 11/15/2017 at 14:02 |
That’s great for flexibility. But at that point I wonder if it’s more convenient than a normal single cup coffee maker.
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It’s a little less cleanup and a little more convenient. It’s also quicker. I keep a Keurig in the storeroom of my shop. I use it a lot with my own coffee, and almost as much for hot water to make tea with. I probably wouldn’t have bought it for myself, it was given to me, but I have grown to like it quite a bit.
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Convenience means a lot to me. I may do that.
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In that case, I’d recommend it.
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As long as they can send some profits to Bezos, it works.
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Where does Bezos fall politically?
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I am sure you know he owns the Washington Post, who hopes to do to 45 what it did to Nixon.
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No clue. Do you mind filling me in a wee bit?
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It’s a long story. The Washington Post played a key role in Watergate, which of course helped bring Nixon’s regime to an end. Now Bezos owns the paper, and it constantly reports, if not breaks, material critical of Trump. I think it is a key player in the Roy Moore case, too. I have to imagine Bezos is not exactly a MAGA chanter.
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Thank you. That explains a lot All this could also make WaPo the place anti-MAGA folks go to get their stuff investigated and printed. And the irony of Bannonites buying coffee from Amazon.
It looks to me like the Republicans are gorging themselves on their own political blood.
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Some of the more bitter Trumpies have already called for a “breakup” of Amazon, as they know it is generating funds that can be used against the new regime.
The can do no right, but they can do no wrong, as their fanbase seems to smile at the idea of forgiving every sin. There will be people on the crazy train no matter what these corrupt cronies and sycophants do next.
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The next election is going to be interesting.
![]() 11/16/2017 at 10:55 |
Interesting like a train wreck. I wonder how the Dems will come out looking like morons. I wonder how the so-called right will come out looking like they are Nazi-adjacent. I wonder what kind of fake news Russia will pump into profiteering social media.
![]() 11/16/2017 at 12:42 |
Yeah; all of that. And now: Al Franken.
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I always thought he went the other way. Oh well, if the Dotard can admit to being a pussy grabber and have it brushed aside, including the media more or less letting it go, I guess it is open season. Not like he’s a politician from an inbred state chasing underaged girls.
And now we have the brave praetorian heroes from other hellhole states trying to crack down:
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Yeah, well, Texas, and dutifully reported by WaPo...
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Yep exactly. These types are now under a more watchful and critical eye than any time in history.
And to their base, the sins are irrelevant.
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Any time in
? I have this nagging feeling that people are going to wake up and vote us back to a more civil status quo. It’s hard for me to believe that the Republican party hasn’t managed to entirely destroy itself, not that the DNC has done much for itself either...
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I can’t think of a time when information can be spread as quickly an easily, and anyone can have countless eyes on them at all times. Today it is instant, and no expectation of secrecy - and everything is saved.
I like to think something more civil is possible. What scares me is something much more regrettable than the current Rs being born from their failure. The ones today make Nixon or even Bush II look like Eisenhower, and have no fear for their corruption. The alt right and those looking to “drain the swamp” seem pretty dangerous to me.
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I am surprised by how much Trump can simply disregard and continue to slide right by.
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His base will let him do anything - his line about shooting someone was 100% true. The media also gives him a very wide berth, as they know he generates views. A stable regime is not as profitable.
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Good point.